Monday 4 April 2016

What do I see myself in 5 years?

                 What do I see myself after 5 years? 5 years later I have graduated from Bachelor Degree in Business Management and started work as a professional executive in Business related workplace. Besides working, I might further my studies in Master in Business Administration. Why? Nowadays there are too many Bachelor Degree holders in the streets looking for job since 5 years ago, and 5 years later, there will definitely be higher percentages of Bachelor Degree holders in Malaysia itself.

At the time my age would be 27 years of age, I will be running a business of medical equipment supplies with my life partner who at the time already graduated from her Bachelor in Pharmacy and already done her posting with Government which can be consider a full fledge Pharmacist. The medical equipment supplies shop front house will be run by my life partner with several others assistant, while I will be running the back of the house which deal with all the administrative and management things. The shop will be mainly target medical equipments range from home- use, ambulance, clinics, medical centers, and hospital. I been wanting to do this business as first, it can bring me and my life partner into the same field and same interest, second, is that we can spend more time together and use both our expertise into this business and maintain the operation of the business. Both of us been planned this business since 2015, and since then we are aiming for this target. I can contribute a lot of ideas and strategy into this business because I have knowledge of management and administration with minimum medical knowledge, with the help of my life partner to contribute her medical knowledge into this business. I am able to plan out the business strategy and marketing plans to help the company to grow.


   Next, I will be partner up with my college friends to open up a business which is been trending for some time in other country which is the food truck. The food truck we open will be selling only at night and 4 days per week. The food truck will be selling western style foods and spaghetti, with drinks which is special brew coffee and tea. The food truck is consider as a hobby and part time jobs where our group of friend can have time to meet up and doing business together and have fun together. The food truck earnings will be divided equally to all partners. All of us partners will be invest in this small business we have to purchase an old truck and new cookware and others cooking equipments. With all the business minded of our group getting together with each of us focus in one part like marketing, sales, financing, human resource and etc. It can maximize our business effectiveness. This business is quite interesting because until now, we can only see a few food trucks in Malaysia selling specialty food and not in Markets or restaurants.

  Besides doing these businesses, I will continue my volunteer life with my life partner as St John Ambulance Malaysia volunteer. We will run the Emergency and Non Emergency ambulance services in our area. We like volunteering as Volunteer Medic because it can help others and at the same time learn lot of things and know more people. Because of volunteering, I will be more accomplish then others who just working and earn money without doing anything they like at this age. I am able to grow from the experiences I gained through the volunteering services. I am able to make my team more manageable comparing with others because of the knowledge I got in my Bachelor Degree, so I can use the HR and operation management skills in managing my team members.

                Put all aside, at the time I will be also preparing the wedding ceremony for me and my life partner. Although I know that spending for wedding ceremony will need at least RM50k (for 2016), and 2022 will need more than RM50k, but we are prepare to do that because the preparation with have and the saving we do from 2015, definitely will be enough for the wedding ceremony during 2022. The wedding will be having 2 days because we will be following the Chinese tradition, with both nights having a wedding dinner. There are a lot of things to be accomplished during 2022 which is 6 years from now. But all of these things are calculated and been planned from now. The package for the wedding photo has been signed for RM3k during 2016, so even if the wedding photo packages cost increase, I will only need to pay to fulfill the RM3k.

                Last but not least, my personal physical will be adding more weight compare with now because the amount of time I will be spending sitting on a chair in front of my working bench will be longer than walking around and exercising in order to get my plan working and gain more money than before. So before 2020, I will need to work twice as hard as now to gain the amount of money I needed for my business and wedding. Besides doing all the things for myself, I will also take care of my father in his health because he will be in his 60s, where there will be extra care for his health. You might be asking: “how about your mother?” Well, I came from a divorce family since I was in Standard 3, and my mother is living quite well in KL, so I will be focus on caring for my father which he single handedly raise me since I was in young age until now. In 2021, my father will be enjoying his retired life and I will take up his burden as the head of the family to carry the weight of the family name and caring for him.

                As such, this is me 5 years into future from now. I am eagerly to walk the walk as I have talked the talk here.

 (by Foo Chi Hong)

                Where do you see yourself in 5years times? Currently I'm 22 years old young adult. After 5 years I will be 27years old, which consider an adult which is bear a lot of responsibility. Within these 5 years is my golden time to pay off my hard work throughout the job. As my perspective, I'm a very urge person, like to make decision with very fast and not mature enough. But come to job I will choose very careful because it might affect my future also my life.
             Currently, I'm joined for Real Estate and work as a part-timer almost one year. I can say this job is much more interesting than my previous jobs which handle different task such as work on clothing retailer, be waiter and kitchen helper. I have also work the job as I listed in different environment, but I feel on Real Estate it will be more excited and challenging for me. My daily task is always thinking the way to get new client, when the time deal with the client, what is the strategic for me to persuade them for the product which cost the high price. Most of the times, client will not comfortable buy something with me because they will think that I'm too young and look like the secondary school young adult, they will feel like I'm just purposely hang over on this field and not experience with real estate also. I'm always cheers me up with many positive ways and not giving up for my career. I will deal with a lot of different peoples, sometime will accidentally meet for Dato or Datin, or the highest education people such as background of engineering, teacher, business man, and lawyer. Different people might have different perspective looking on something with their own style and idea, not everyone can accept and believe on what I said, but what I can do is to be honest and sincere person, I believe services is most important that can give a client buy a thing with me when we pay off our hard work. As I'm study for Business Management at SEGi College, I'm able to learn a lot of communication skill and the skill had learned is benefiting me a lot in this field and I also wisely apply on my job too. Continuously presentation at the lecture from Diploma to Degree had build up my confident when I'm speaking to others although in front of a lot people.
            My long-term career goal is want to master on Real Estate line which had gain a lot of experience and knowledge so I can be a senior leader at the company.  As a senior leader, I also have the power who conducts the interview session with the newbie who interest to join for Real Estate. I wish I'm able to teach them with what I know and experience in this field and lead them to the success way. Other than this, I also wish I have stable income and stable saving on 27years old as this is the age which very near to married status, before married everyone also hope that they will have their own house and car as well. To me also the same status, I would want 5C when I'm reached 27. Cash, Credit Card, Car, Condo, Country Club. This is the thing which is for me to define success. When 5C is belong with me, it can give me, my partner and also my family keep away from worrying about the cash flow when facing emergency.
             On my 27 Years old, I will start to plan with my partner about the wedding. Before that I also need ask through the permission from my parents and also my partner's mother and father. Weeding is not only two person thing; it also needs all the family member respect and agrees with it. I would wish for 28 or 29year old I with my partner would have our first kid. If everything is on the plan, I will be going back to school for studying the part time course about Real Estate, it can help me to improving the knowledge I had. Learning is very useful for our life; we need to study once we have time. As the word said knowledge is one of the thing that can stay last longer with us no matter where we go and where we at.  Between I will have time to accompany my parents and also my new family when I'm not that busy. I and My family especially my parents they are very like to travelling. Every year they will travel to different country and enjoy with every trip. Most of time, my parents will going to Asia Country such as Taiwan or Hong Kong which is the place is only speak mandarin due to my parent's education level not that high, it is difficult for them to communicate using English language. They were also hope that one day they can going to western country. I will plan to have a vacation with them twice a year, one trip will be only visit to local place and the other trip will going to overseas more toward western country such as Paris, Australia and so on.
            Our parents taking care for us since born until now, we need to do whatever we can do for them to make sure they are stay happy and health so that as a son we can do our best for our parent and let them no any regret on their life, this is also a part of our responsibility. As a conclusion, what I see myself in 5 years time is to be a professional person and also a responsibility person.

(by Lee Chia Ching)

                After 5 years is 2021, and I also 28 years old. 5 year ago the time is the way to let me to start my business, that also is my promise to my father, my father is a business man and every parent also hope their goodness can pass to their children so my father also same, so my father wants me to carry on his business. 
                Now, I have learn about how to control the business, my father will teach me and train me step by step, sometimes that was very hard but that is my choice, I want to be a business man so I won’t give up. I not doing part time job because I will ignore my study, but the different ways I doing with the other people is I will go shopping mall or another place individual is to look at the market and what the people need today and what their like. Yes, sometimes I will feel lonely, but sometimes I can see some different happen in that times, it will make me motivate and happy also. 5 year ago I will try to start my own business, I look at the internet now a days have many different think has improve to become more safety and easier example like japan have a special plastic bag it can vacuum compression, so when we can’t not finish our snack or something need to vacuum that special plastic bag can help them to keep it. That product is not at Malaysia but Japan already have it, so my 5 years plan is to bring the special thing at foreign country into Malaysia, I using the advantage for Malaysia, that is we have many culture so that is a way I start my business.
                5 year ago, I will also change my car now, because is the time to change a new car for me, every car after 5 year they will become insecurity maybe something spoil. Now I will driving Ford Focus, but after 5 year I will try to drive Lexus car. Lexus car is a Japan brand of car, belong to my knowledge japan always put the safety in the first ways, so that is a point why I will choose Lexus car.
I am a people do not like to late, so watch also is my important things. Now I am wearing a Limited Edition Tissot Tom Luthi, it was my birthday present from my parent, but 5 year later I will buy Rolex with my own money, maybe some people will say that buy Rolex is a waste, but I not feel that, nowadays many people will look at your first image, nor matter you are a very top student or high education in the school, people will look at your first image, female they will look at the face, bag, shoes, shirt; but male they will look at the watch, car, belt, and shirt. Cannot blame the people reality but who don’t want to have advance from the rich person.
                I born in a business family, my father is a business man, so I also will be affect. My father teaching me how to allocate the container, how to control the usage, and how to face by the tax of government. Sometime my father also bring me to understand the people and the business. 5 year is a promise with me and my father, my father give me 5 year to face in the market whatever job I want to do also can, but 5 year his want me to help him carry on with their business. The reason why I will go back to carry my father’s business is my father always that he is old and he want to enjoy his life already, but he need some people to carry their business so he can relieve.
                5 year later I will also find my couple, wedding and have children also is a purpose for every people, because it can continuous the life. My parent also will ask me about the girlfriend but I know that these is not control by me, at the good period and the good person so that is the ways to marry with the right person. Although, sometime I will not like to be a single, it is lonely and can’t share with others, but single also have the advantage, because I am single, I can talk with a girl relieve, and I can focus to filial piety with my parents, if I have girlfriend, sometimes I need to accompany with her and sometime accompany with parents.
                5 year later I will travel to Japan again, I have went to Japan before with the travel, but these time I will go with my business partner. I will go they to comprehend the Japan style, how they can made a thing by the robot, what safety and special thing they have, after that I will try to bring it to Malaysia. Malaysian like the Japan culture example, snack of Japan, product of Japan, food of Japan also, so that is a benefit for the Malaysian, we can feel the different culture in our country. When to the Japan the main purpose is to do business and the second purpose is to enjoy their cherry blossoms, I went to japan is a winter season, next time I will go to spring season it have different look for the Japan.
                I will not give up my plan and what I want to do, even that is very hard and difficult but I also will face it, my business idol Robert Kuok Hock Nien say that if you scare for lose in business better u close up your business and start to send resume to find the job, I very agree the speech he say, every business also have their risk, face to the risk and find out the solution than you will success later.

(by Khor Yeow Ping)

“Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” is one of the most infamous questions people ask one another. It’s is difficult to answer without resorting to the typical answers such as “I just want to be doing something I enjoy and love”, or “I’m not really sure yet”. The question is why do people seem so keen on asking this question? Probably because it’s one of those questions that your answer can reveal much more than you might imagine. You might have a solid career plan and know exactly what you want to do over the next five years, or you could be one of those who just are “going with the flow”. That question has a tendency of throwing people in panic mode.When asked the question “Where do I see myself in five years’ time?” I mentally compare my life now to what I want my life to be like in five years. In life right now, I feel as if I am the typical Malaysia teenager. I am a freshmen student at SEGI College. I still live at home with my family. Everyday my day begins at 7:15am when I wake and shower. I head out for school usually around 8:00 am; mostly I will early going to school because that I staying in mainland and my school at Penang. Class begins at 9:00 am. I’m currently studying to become a business man. After finish my class sometimes I will hang out with my friend or going to my father company to learn how to be a successful business man.

After 5 years, I probably will graduate and I will learn how to do business with my father and force myself to be a successful business man because when I was a young kid my dream isI would want 5C. Cash, Credit Card, Car, Condo, Country Club. This is the thing which is for me to define success.  I also hope that my dream will come true. This dream can motivate me to make great a business. When I know how to control the business I will start my own business because different people might have different perspective looking on something with their own style and idea so that I did not interest with my father business. As I'm study for Business Management at SEGI College, I'm able to learn a lot of communication skill and the skill had learned is benefiting me a lot in this field and I also wisely apply on my job too. Continuously presentation at the lecture from Diploma to Degree had built up my confident when I'm speaking to others although in front of a lot people. But the wayI will go back to carry my father’s business when my father he is old and he want to enjoy his life already, but he need some people to carry their business so he can relieve.5 year later I maybe will plan with my couple wedding and have children, this is also a purpose for every people, because it can continuous the life and also I am the only son in my family. My parent always asks me about when with my girlfriend married but I know that these are not control by me, at the good period and the good person so that is the ways to marry with the right person, so I need to feel that this girl really is the right person then I will get married with her.

   When all thing is following my plan, I maybe will go back to school for studying the part time course about Business, it can help me to improving the knowledge now I had. Learning is very useful for our life; we need to study once we have time. As the word said knowledge is one of the thing that can stay last longer with us no matter where we go and where we at. My parents are very like to travelling and one of my dreams is travel around the world so that every year I will plan to have a vacation with them twice a year or more than twice travel with my parents to different country. I also will going advanced country to see about how they doing business and learn about more advanced technology to improve my knowledge because of some knowledge can’t learn at book. I also will find some special product in advanced country after that I will try to bring it to Malaysia so that is a benefit for the Malaysian; we can feel the different culture in our country.

          I will not give up my plan and what I want to do, even that is very hard and difficult. My business idol is Victor Li KaShing, he is the Chinese most rich person. He say that earn money is not an easy thing so that people work 8 hours, so that he work 16 hours like that we can always earn more money and we need to learn more technology and reading new knowledge book so that we can knew more information and different tide. Our parents taking care for us since born until now, we need to do whatever we can do for them to make sure they are stay happy and health so that as sons we can do our best for our parent and let them know any regret on their life; this is also a part of our responsibility. As a conclusion, what I see myself in 5 years’ time is to be a professional person and also a responsibility person.

 (by Lai Jordan)

1 comment:

  1. I was once in your shoes. Before I met my wife, I had set a five year plan of going to get an advanced degree and then getting married. I met my wife 2 years into this plan and I did get my degree in the end. It might not have been how I planned, but it has all worked out for the best.

    Lucius Cambell @ Skild
