Friday 6 May 2016

What should the role of United Nation be?

Background of United Nations

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945.  Their mission is to maintain world peace, develop good relations between countries, promote cooperation in solving the world’s problems, and encourage a respect for human rights which is guided by the principles contained in its founding Charter.

It gives the countries of the world a forum to adjust their national advantages with the interests of the worldwide. It works on the voluntary collaboration and participation of its member countries. Nothing can be accomplished without their agreement and participation. At present, there are 193 member countries with different social, political, and economic systems. All the country which participate in United Nation should agreed with the term and condition that peacefully settle disputes, and do not using threatening or forcing against each other with some problem. The countries with in the United Nation Countries cannot help countries for which countries oppose for the United Nation mission. Headquartered for the United Nation states at New York City which is a separate and independent entity with its own flag on post office and postage stamps, and its buildings sit on international territory. Six official languages are used at the United Nation such as Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
The Structure and operation of the United Nations divided into 6 groups. They have Secretariat, General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, and International Court of Justice. The secretariat of the United Nation oversees the programme and policies and take care the operation day by day. General of secretary will set United Nation agenda, bring problem to the Security Council so that they can be the mediator to solve the conflict problem in domestic or international. General Assembly in charge as a operator in global town hall. They are opens discussion for all the people to provide the discussion and suggestion by all the countries. There will having 193 members country, each with one vote. Security Council is the most powerful department that responsible for maintaining international peace and security

There have 54 members of Economic and Social Council countries which serve on the council, the member will be change by every three year with elected system for the programme in medicine, education and social needs. Trusteeship Council established to oversee transition of colonies to independence. For example, Palau Islands which approved for independence in 1994 making Trustee Council obsolete. International Court of Justice also known as the world court which responsible for the case like nations against each other in territorial disputes, human rights violations and trade disagreements.
 (by Lee Chia Ching)

United Nations in Malaysia

Malaysia been joining into the United Nation since 17th September 1957. Malaysia as one of the security council of United Nations, has sent our country’s security forces to other country for peace keeping missions which the most well-known mission is in the Somalia. United Nations setup several United Nations’ Agencies in Malaysia in which includes the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO). These are the main agencies stationed in Malaysia. In addition to these main agencies, there are UNU- International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) and WHO-Global Services Center, World Food Programme (WFP), and United Nations Security (UNDSS) are also stationed in Malaysia. United Nations play some of the crucial roles in Malaysia such as providing supports in terms of supporting the poorest and most vulnerable financially, and working together with Malaysia’s Government to help people to live free of poverty, violence, HIV and AIDS. UNICEF in Malaysia is one of the most active from the beginning to transform the lives of children across the nation to improve their lifestyle, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, formal and informal education.

UNHCR in Malaysia work hand in hand together with Malaysian Government in addressing refugee issues on humanitarian grounds. Few months ago, the issues of refugees from foreign country starting to flood into Malaysian borders to seek for refuge in Malaysia. However, due to the economic and financial problems faced by Malaysia, the Government seek help from UNHCR to provide the refugees aid.

In WHO, the agency being helping Malaysia Ministry of Health (MOH) in developing and strengthening of our country’s health system, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and major risk factors, and promoting healthy lifestyles and mental health in Malaysia. WHO also helps in developing and distributing cure for diseases to countries all around the world.

UNDP in Malaysia provides strategic policy-oriented advice and support for the national policy agenda. UNDP responses to both the short-term and longer-term implications of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis, strengthening gender empowerment and promotion of integrity and many more. UNDP had support and providing advice of knowledge, experience and resources for more than 160 countries for one objective: To ensure the people live a better life.
In short, United Nations in Malaysia play a crucial role in providing advice and support to our country from development, finance, and economics to the welfare of our people include health, lifestyle and many more.
 (by Foo Chi Hong)

Benefit of United Nations to us

The benefit of that a country gains from being a member of the United Nations is the member can having aids and assistance. This is one of the major benefits a country gets from being part of the United Nations organizations. If the nation is tormented with a noteworthy debacle, for example, a major earthquake, tsunami or flood, the United Nation would not dither for a minute sending help to the nation. The second benefit is helping the economic development of the nation. A country that is an individual from the United Nations stands to advantage significantly through the United Nation's unique offices, the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF). For instance, a nation that is a piece of the United Nations can have admittance to advances from the World Bank which can be utilized to build up the nation and help the nation's economy. This tragically can't be delighted in by a nation that is not an individual from the United Nations. The IMF additionally gives UN part countries crisis credits. This is for the most part given to obligated nations.

Next benefit is joined Nations helps part countries to fortify their wellbeing segments. The UN does this for the most part through its extremely celebrated office, the World Health Organization (WHO). Part nations particularly the poor ones wind up profiting incredibly from a portion of the goals of the WHO, for example, the destruction of the kid mortality, maternal wellbeing and the battle against HIV/AIDS and jungle fever. On account of the WHO from the United Nations, numerous part nations in spots, for example, Africa, Asia and certain parts of South America have possessed the capacity to control the danger of HIV/AIDS through the assets and logistics providing for them by the World Health Organization to advance wellbeing. The last benefit is strengthening of human rights within the country. Any nation that joins the United Nations is bound by the standards and standards of the UN. One of the essential standards and standards of the UN is that all part nations must regard the key human privileges of all. As a consequence of this, human right is significantly fortified in the nation. Securing the human privileges of individuals paying little mind to their race, sex, or religion assumes an imperative part in developing the majority rule government of a nation. This is another advantage that a nation gets from being an individual from the UN.
 (by Lai Jordan)

Objectives of United Nations

The objectives of United Nations is To provide a platform for dialogue and participation of members of the Forum to promote and strengthen the processes of democratization, the rule of law and respect for human rights in Africa and the Arab region, because they need some people to care about them because they country are poor. United Nations will help strengthen Arab-African relations and promote cooperation at the legislative, institutional, business, academic and civil society organizations levels, made them can survive by self. They will support and strengthen, through partnerships and networks, the contribution of civil society organizations in promoting democracy and respect for human rights, some people they will look down the people who are live in the poor country and also will abandon them, that will unfair for them. Another ways is to promote advocacy activities that support the implementation of regional and international instruments and decisions in the fields of democracy and human rights, and that support existing mechanisms and national institutions, the Olympic Games also is a ways to made the different country people can stay together.

The most important purpose of the United Nations is to help maintain world peace and security. World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations by which nations willingly co-operate with each other that prevents warfare. Another ways United Nations is to encourage and develop friendly relations through mutual understanding and partnerships among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace. The aim of the United Nations is to bring all the world nations together to work for international peace and development based on the principles of justice, and to safeguard human rights, to provide a mechanism for international law, and to promote social, cultural and economic progress, improve living standards, and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. It provides the opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems. The one of the purposes of the United Nations is to bring all the nations under the umbrella of the UN by connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources and to make UN a better unite for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
(by Khor Yeow Ping)

Reference Lists

  1. "Benefits Of Being A Member Of The United Nations Organization - Hosbeg.Com". N.p., 2013. Web. 5 May 2016.
  2. (2016). Objectives and Functions | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2016].
  3. দেখুন, . (2016). Mirza Mohammad Rifat: Explain the Principles and Aims of the United Nations Organization. What are conditions for its Membership?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2016].
  4. About the UN | United Nations. 2016. About the UN | United Nations. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  5. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) . 2016. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  6. UNICEF. 2016. UNICEF Malaysia - Who we are - Who we are. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  7. World Health Organization (WHO) . 2016. World Health Organization (WHO) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  8. World Food Programme (WFP) . 2016. World Food Programme (WFP) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  9. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) . 2016. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].
  10. UN Country Team In Malaysia . 2016. UN Country Team In Malaysia . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 May 2016].

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Current Tax System is unfair to the middle and lower income groups. Do you agree?

The current tax system is unfair to the middle class and lower income groups do you agree?

           We agree that the tax system is unfair for the middle and the lower income groups. In Malaysia  currently impose new taxation law which is the new Goods and Services Tax (GST). Although in other countries such as Australia have already impose these tax to their country which is Value Added Tax (VAT) which is similar to our GST, but the current economic status in our country is not very stable and it causes in increasing the burden for the middle income and lower income groups.

            Malaysian population been seperated into three income groups that is high, middle, low, then with the recent oil price hike it is believed that the middle-income group is the worst hits, because some people at middle class they just only can cover their income only. First of all , high income group which is the richest group of people in our society is always inflation- proof. The lower income group is generally taking public transportation of which the fares are still being protected by the government.

            When our tax system increase but our government does not rise up the minimum salary and come out with a more effective housing scheme for the lower income group as most people spend at least one third of their salary paying housing loans or house rentals. It is reported that the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) collected about RM 10 billion in personal income tax which is contributing 7% of the government’s total inland revenue of RM 147 billion. This is paid by approximately 1.1 million working class people out of total eleven million strong work force. In other words, only one out of 26 people in this country pay a single sen of person income tax due to the present unfair tax system.

            For the personal income tax, we also disagree for that system. The middle and the lower income groups their salary only can cover the family, for the middle who are have RM3000 above salary in Malaysia Act they need to pay the income tax, these income tax will made them trouble compare with the people who are rich or high income they will pay higher tax but for their income the tax their pay is only 10% for their profit only, so hopefully our government can come out a new tax system to made it fair for every classes.
(by Foo Chi Hong)

             The GST in Malaysia our government set it 6% that means that when the consumer buy a cup of coffee in Starbucks the price of the coffee is RM10 they charge the GST 6% the consumer need to pay RM10.60 adding more RM0.60. The high, middle, low groups also need to pay this GST 6%, compare with the high income person RM0.60 is not be affect, but for the low income person RM0.60 for them, they can buy 2 eggs for breakfast, is heavy burden for them. We agree that is unfair for the lower or middle income person they need to have more allowance and benefit from the government.

·                     Critics have argued that the GST is a regressive tax, which has a more pronounced effect on lower income earners, meaning that the tax consumes a higher proportion of their income, compared to those earning large incomes. A study commissioned by the Curtin University of TechnologyPerth in 2000 argued that the introduction of the GST would negatively impact the real estate market as it would add up to 8 percent to the cost of new homes and reduce demand by about 12 percent. India has opted for a dual-GST model. Critics claim that CGST, SGST and IGST are nothing but new names for Central Excise/Service Tax, VAT and CST and hence GST brings nothing new to the table. The concept of value-add has never been utilised in the levy of service as the Delhi High Court is attempting to prove in the case of Home Solution Retail while under Central Excise the focus is on defining and refining the definition of manufacture instead of focusing on value additions. The Revenue can be very stubborn when it comes to refunds as the Maharashtra Government proves and software entities that applied for refunds on excess service tax paid on inputs discovered.

            First of all, GST is an important source of revenue for government, especially for countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong, where the personal tax and corporate tax are low. With  huge amount of GST collected, government can manage the country more effectively, which is obviously beneficial to both individual and the society as a whole. For example, the government can use the GST collected to build infrastructures such as hospitals and schools so that people get access to quality healthcare and education.
(by Lee Chia Ching)

GST can also be a tool for government to curb the overconsumption of undesirable goods. Government can set high GST for cigarette, alcoholic products and prostitution (if the government perceive sex industry as undesirable). Supply curve shifts up, quantity demanded drops (i.e. price increases, consumption decreases). In economics term, tax is varied across different goods and services so as to reduce the society's welfare deadweight loss due to overconsumption of demerit goods or goods that imposes negative externality. 

Moreover, GST can be used to implement fiscal policy. As a tax that is imposed economy-wide, GST can be raised or lowered to effectively manage the economy. For example, during economic downturn, GST should be reduced so that the equilibrium output of the society as well as the employment opportunities increase. Conversely, the government should raise tax level during booming period. It curbs the aggregate demand in the long run, hence cools down the economy (i.e. lowers the inflation). It is interesting that, by increasing tax, the general price level will eventually fall. The explanation is that in the short run, tax increase causes mild inflation, however, in the long run, consumers and companies have less money to spend and invest. Aggregate demand as well as price level fall in the long run.

However, GST is not flawless. The blunt tax penalises everyone in the society equally, inclusive of both the rich and the poor. Unlike the income tax or corporate tax, GST is hardly progressive. It makes necessities such as food, transport, houses, clothing and medical treatment more expensive to the exact same extent to both the rich and the poor, adversely affecting the equity of the society. Fortunately, GST can be progressive if the government taxes more on luxuries and less on necessities. Moreover, government can construct strong transfer or welfare system to assist those financially needy citizens. 

Overall, GST brings more benefits than harms to society. That's precisely why most of the countries, if not all, collect GST.

(by Lai Jordan)

            The research find out the reason why the middle class they feel unfair. The taxes on wealth, such as capital gains, are often subject to a lower tax rate than wages and salaries, which the vast majority of every day Oregonians rely on for most of their income. A fair tax system would narrow the disparity between tax rates on income from wealth and income from work. The small family businesses according to the National Small Business Association, 40% of small businesses reported spending more than 80 hours a year dealing with federal taxes in 2014. Businesses in Oregon and across the country should be using this time to grow their business.

            Another ways is they pay the tax without the basic standards, too many unaffiliated tax-return preparers are incompetent or even unethical, giving taxpayers incorrect advice and potentially depriving them of their refund something that many Oregon families depend on. Senators Wyden and Cardin are fighting to set basic standards that tax preparers must meet. The middle and low income people in Americans who cannot afford expensive accountants that rely on the IRS for tax help. The customer service has declined in recent years due to budget cuts, so much that calling the IRS is like shouting into a void. Only 40% in US taxpayers calling into the IRS for help can get through to a real person. IRS budget cuts have led to inadequate service meaning billions in taxpayer dollars go uncollected every year. Many well-off taxpayers know this and have little fear of getting audited.

         We agree the current tax system is unfair for the middle class and lower income groups, because have some reason and example to approve that. Even that is unfair the middle and lower class also must adapt hope the government will come out a new allowance and benefit for them. Something we can’t say that is unfair, maybe from another side they is a way to made the middle and lower income person more motivate to gain more income.
(by Khor Yeow Ping)

Reference (2008). Why personal income tax should be abolished. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2016]. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2016].
The Huffington Post. (2012). Buffett Rule Goes Down. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2016]. (2015). 10 Ways the Tax System is Unfair to Middle-Class Americans | Senator Ron Wyden. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2016].

Monday 11 April 2016

Inspiring Stories: People that change the world

 There are many inspiring people and stories that changes the world. All we know are those successful people from other countries such as President of the United States, Mr. Barrack Obama who is the first African- American to take the seat, Abraham Lincoln, former President of the United States who helped end slavery in US, Nick Vujicic, who was born with tetra- amelia syndrome where he has a rare disorder without the four limbs, and many more. How about in Malaysia? Do we have someone that is truely inspirational and successful person?

                Undoubtly, the most inspiring to us is the world famous businessman, who is now a billionaire, crown with the Malaysia’s richest man, 2nd richest man in South East Asia, and ranked 76th place in the Forbes’ list of the richest men of 2013, and given a nickname: “Sugar King”. Yes, he is none other than Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien. Tan Sri Robert Kuok was born in 6th October 1923 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. He started his carrer as a merchant of sugar, wheat flour, and rice upon completed his study in Raffles Institution in Singapore. Between the year 1942 to 1945, he served in Japanese Industrial Conglomerate Mitsubishi’s Grain department. During the year of 1949, he founded the Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd to invest in sugar refineries only age 20+ years old at that time. Soon after 1961, he successfully controlled 80% of sugar market in Malaysia, and 10% of world sugar market. In the year 1971, Tan Sri Robert Kuok established the first Shangri- La Hotel in Singapore. In the year of 1992, Tan Sri Robert Kuok announced his retirement from Kerry Group, but it is a retirement without rest where he still keep on managing the day to day operation of his empire.

                Tan Sri Robert Kuok married to his first wife, Xie Bi Rong (Unknown English name, direct translate from chinese pin yin), and have 5 children with the first wife. But after the first wife passed on, Tan Sri Robert Kuok married the second wife, Ho Poh Lin, and the couple have 3 children. The 5 out of 8 of Robert Kuok’s children all are holding key positions in the Kuok group of companies. Tan Sri Robert Kuok’s eldest son, Khoon Chen, take the executive chairman position replacing his younger brother’s position in Shangri- La (Asia) due to the latter could not bear with the high pressure and required to take a long leave to rest. Meanwhile, Tan Sri Robert Kuok’s youngest son, Kuok Khoon Wah been placed as his private assistant and follows the Tan Sri to go everywhere to meet important busnessmen. The eldest daughter of Robert Kuok, Kuok Hui Kwong, in charge of the South China Morning Post as Executive Director. Recently the youngest daughter of Tan Sri Robert Kuok, Yen Kwong, founder and CEO of Guiltless International Limited, joined in Kuok Group.

                Tan Sri Robert Kuok currently is struggling to choose his heritance for his empire as he has 8 children from 2 wives. But according to Next Magazine, Tan Sri Robert Kuok placed more favour to his second wife’s children. Although from what the article said, a unnamed fund manager for the Kuok Foundation stated that during the Kuok’s family meeting, Tan Sri Robert Kuok casually said that Kuok Khoon Hong, nephew of Tan Sri Robert Kuok, will be the successor for his empire.

(by Foo Chi Hong) 

                Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nienhad inspired me as he is changing the world by founded in Malayan sugar manufacturing company. His sugar manufacturing contribution produces 80% of sugar in Malaysia market and 10% of world's sugar market. He control almost high percentage of sugar amount in Asia, that why Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien got his nick name as the sugar king of Asia. He seeking the opportunity and take the chance to contribute on sugar field while the time which is only British people controlled for the trading and don't have any of Chinese business man in the sector. He is one of the legends in Malaysia who bring the proud to his country because of the sugar production contribution to the worldwide. He is a clever person and always think from the perspective of business man, he import the cheaper sugar from India as backup to wait for the rising of sugar price, after that having natural disaster typhoon in Cuba hit the plantation place which is the bigger sugar supplier to all the world. The situation for that time is having lower supplier and higher demand. International sugar price kept rising due to lack of sugar supplier to worldwide.Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien wisely used this chance to sell all the sugar which stored on last time. On that period, he had maximized his profit to the maximum. From the status above, Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien hadhelped the world on emergency period by supplying sugar to every country due to sugar is one of the main side ingredient for cooking.
                He not only paid off his hard work on the sugar stage, he is also expanded his opportunity to other industry such as animal feed, palm oil, mining, flour and hotel business. The one most recognise hotel which is mostly known by everyone is Shangri-La hotel. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien had built up his first Shangri-La hotel in Singapore and then slowly expanded the hotel business to the worldwide which is having 71st hotel total.Besides that, he also having separate investment in different country such as palm oil in Singapore and having property based on the Hong Kong which is on top3 world's most expensive cities after Monaco and UK, London. Hong Kong's TsimShaTsui is top of attraction for local and foreign must visit places. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien buy a plot of land and newly reclaimed become TsimShaTsui East waterfront where this is a place for him to build up their second Shangri-La hotel business. Shangri-La 5stars luxury hotel have change the world by brings the premium and enjoyable life to every guest who needs the best quality of services which the hotels are provided. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien said that good opportunity is seldom presented and is easily lost. To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to keep your eagle eyes, ready for a good opportunity and seize it at a right time.

(by Lee Chia Ching)

                Robert Kuok is a very quick learner, when he is not has their sugar business he is a helper of rice trading department, and he is learn about the trading business. He is feel that the beside the rice and wheat granulated sugar was very important in the food sector, and he also feel that when children threw tantrums at night, you just had to give them some sugar to calm them, otherwise the parents would not have the energy to work the next day, so they could set the prices high, so Robert Kuok feel the sugar business could really make profits. But in 1963, Robert Kuok became too bold, in May or June he took 100,000 until 200,000 tons of sugar in preparation for the futures market. At that period he understand, if the country became shortage of sugar they will be a change to earn more and more profit. Robert Kuok when he is young he can speak English, The businessmen in London and New York were curious that he is a young Chinese, but he can speak a good English, so he was easy to approach them. 
                Not only for the sugar the hotel he also become a famous brand name around the world, Robert Kuok feel that the China will have the world’s most prosperous tourism industry because China has many historical relics and sites. These idea his came out is when he first went travel in China but he feel the facilities, especially toilet, were very poor, and China was unable to attract international tourists, so Robert Kuok feel that the China’s tourism industry must be developed, so he must help them develop. In 1984 years, when Chang’anAvenue in Beijing was about to see huge changes. Mr. Kuok and the ministry of foreign trade invested US 500 million to build the China World Trade Center.
                Robert Kuok become a monopoly in sugar production space of Malaysia producing 80% of Malaysia’s sugar and 10% of world’s sugar. That’s precisely how Mr. Kuok got his nick name, that is “ the Sugar King of Asia” Naturally, this ambitious and immensely clever business did not just stop at that. He started a chain of hotels, the famous “Shangri-la” which is now spread out through the world and is all set to open its 71st hotel. Not only Mr. Kuok has sugar and hotel business, he also got bread-MASSIMO brand, oil-Sari Murni brand, even Golden Screen Cinemas also is his business. All of the business he has is got related and his business more focus on the product or service we are needed, the consumer can’t live without the necessary product. Robert Kuok also has help the people and their employee, because he has their own plan and strategy, when the company treat their employee good, give them a good benefit, then the employee will more effectiveness, then the consumer will satisfaction, the profit the company can earn sure will increase.

(by Khor Yeow Ping)

Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien, he claims he began in business as an office boyafter that he started a business with relatives support. Upon graduation, he worked as a clerk in the rice trading department of Japanese industrial conglomerate Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha between 1942 and 1945. In Singapore, a conglomerate which with the help of Japanese military unit monopolized the rice trade in Malaya during the occupation period. He was soon promoted to head the rice trading department. After the war, he took the skills he learned from the Japanese and back to his family business in Johor. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien senior died in 1948 and he with his two brothers and a cousin Kuok Hock Chinfounded Kuok Brothers SdnBhd in 1949 with trading agricultural commodities. In 1949, he formed Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Co. Bhd together with two prominent Japanese partners and he also brought many influential Malay elite into his company as director and shareholder which include UMNO politician and Malay royalty. In 1961, he made a coup by buying a cheap sugar from India before the sugar prices shot up and he also continued to invest highly in sugar refineries. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien controlled 80% of the Malaysia sugar market with production of 1.5 million tonnes which equivalent to 10% of world production so that he earned his nickname “Sugar King of Asia”. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien companies have investments in many countries which is Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Mainland China, Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. His business in China include 10 bottling companies for Coca Cola, and he also ownership of the Beijing World Trade Centre. 

Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien is the richest person in Malaysia, he exited the media business in December 2015 when he sold Hong Kong South China Morning Post to Alibaba for $265million and he had purchased a 35% stake in the now 112-year-old newspaper from Rupert Murdoch in 1993. The deal also included the Hong Kong editions of Esquire, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazzar and other titles. The Chinese Malaysian tycoon’s Kuok group controls an empire the high-end hotel chain Shangri-La, Kerry Properties and commodities trader Wilmar. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien starts trading rice, sugar and wheat flour in Malaysia in 1949 and in Singapore 1953. A big source of his wealth is stake in palm oil giant WilmarInternational, which is run by his nephew Kuok Khoon Hong a Singapore billionaire. His political influence is attested by his having selected as one of the Hong Kong Affairs Advisors in the run up to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong and his minority stake in CITIC Pacific. He was also an instrumental in conveying information and setting up the meeting between Malaysia and China governments to leading full diplomatic cross recognition of the two countries. In February 2014, Kuok’s Singapore based oil services company PACC Offshore Services Holding (POSH) started pre-IPO talks with investors to list on the Singapore Stock Exchange to raise $400 million.

(by Lai Jordon)

Cheers!! Have a nice day

Monday 4 April 2016

What do I see myself in 5 years?

                 What do I see myself after 5 years? 5 years later I have graduated from Bachelor Degree in Business Management and started work as a professional executive in Business related workplace. Besides working, I might further my studies in Master in Business Administration. Why? Nowadays there are too many Bachelor Degree holders in the streets looking for job since 5 years ago, and 5 years later, there will definitely be higher percentages of Bachelor Degree holders in Malaysia itself.

At the time my age would be 27 years of age, I will be running a business of medical equipment supplies with my life partner who at the time already graduated from her Bachelor in Pharmacy and already done her posting with Government which can be consider a full fledge Pharmacist. The medical equipment supplies shop front house will be run by my life partner with several others assistant, while I will be running the back of the house which deal with all the administrative and management things. The shop will be mainly target medical equipments range from home- use, ambulance, clinics, medical centers, and hospital. I been wanting to do this business as first, it can bring me and my life partner into the same field and same interest, second, is that we can spend more time together and use both our expertise into this business and maintain the operation of the business. Both of us been planned this business since 2015, and since then we are aiming for this target. I can contribute a lot of ideas and strategy into this business because I have knowledge of management and administration with minimum medical knowledge, with the help of my life partner to contribute her medical knowledge into this business. I am able to plan out the business strategy and marketing plans to help the company to grow.


   Next, I will be partner up with my college friends to open up a business which is been trending for some time in other country which is the food truck. The food truck we open will be selling only at night and 4 days per week. The food truck will be selling western style foods and spaghetti, with drinks which is special brew coffee and tea. The food truck is consider as a hobby and part time jobs where our group of friend can have time to meet up and doing business together and have fun together. The food truck earnings will be divided equally to all partners. All of us partners will be invest in this small business we have to purchase an old truck and new cookware and others cooking equipments. With all the business minded of our group getting together with each of us focus in one part like marketing, sales, financing, human resource and etc. It can maximize our business effectiveness. This business is quite interesting because until now, we can only see a few food trucks in Malaysia selling specialty food and not in Markets or restaurants.

  Besides doing these businesses, I will continue my volunteer life with my life partner as St John Ambulance Malaysia volunteer. We will run the Emergency and Non Emergency ambulance services in our area. We like volunteering as Volunteer Medic because it can help others and at the same time learn lot of things and know more people. Because of volunteering, I will be more accomplish then others who just working and earn money without doing anything they like at this age. I am able to grow from the experiences I gained through the volunteering services. I am able to make my team more manageable comparing with others because of the knowledge I got in my Bachelor Degree, so I can use the HR and operation management skills in managing my team members.

                Put all aside, at the time I will be also preparing the wedding ceremony for me and my life partner. Although I know that spending for wedding ceremony will need at least RM50k (for 2016), and 2022 will need more than RM50k, but we are prepare to do that because the preparation with have and the saving we do from 2015, definitely will be enough for the wedding ceremony during 2022. The wedding will be having 2 days because we will be following the Chinese tradition, with both nights having a wedding dinner. There are a lot of things to be accomplished during 2022 which is 6 years from now. But all of these things are calculated and been planned from now. The package for the wedding photo has been signed for RM3k during 2016, so even if the wedding photo packages cost increase, I will only need to pay to fulfill the RM3k.

                Last but not least, my personal physical will be adding more weight compare with now because the amount of time I will be spending sitting on a chair in front of my working bench will be longer than walking around and exercising in order to get my plan working and gain more money than before. So before 2020, I will need to work twice as hard as now to gain the amount of money I needed for my business and wedding. Besides doing all the things for myself, I will also take care of my father in his health because he will be in his 60s, where there will be extra care for his health. You might be asking: “how about your mother?” Well, I came from a divorce family since I was in Standard 3, and my mother is living quite well in KL, so I will be focus on caring for my father which he single handedly raise me since I was in young age until now. In 2021, my father will be enjoying his retired life and I will take up his burden as the head of the family to carry the weight of the family name and caring for him.

                As such, this is me 5 years into future from now. I am eagerly to walk the walk as I have talked the talk here.

 (by Foo Chi Hong)

                Where do you see yourself in 5years times? Currently I'm 22 years old young adult. After 5 years I will be 27years old, which consider an adult which is bear a lot of responsibility. Within these 5 years is my golden time to pay off my hard work throughout the job. As my perspective, I'm a very urge person, like to make decision with very fast and not mature enough. But come to job I will choose very careful because it might affect my future also my life.
             Currently, I'm joined for Real Estate and work as a part-timer almost one year. I can say this job is much more interesting than my previous jobs which handle different task such as work on clothing retailer, be waiter and kitchen helper. I have also work the job as I listed in different environment, but I feel on Real Estate it will be more excited and challenging for me. My daily task is always thinking the way to get new client, when the time deal with the client, what is the strategic for me to persuade them for the product which cost the high price. Most of the times, client will not comfortable buy something with me because they will think that I'm too young and look like the secondary school young adult, they will feel like I'm just purposely hang over on this field and not experience with real estate also. I'm always cheers me up with many positive ways and not giving up for my career. I will deal with a lot of different peoples, sometime will accidentally meet for Dato or Datin, or the highest education people such as background of engineering, teacher, business man, and lawyer. Different people might have different perspective looking on something with their own style and idea, not everyone can accept and believe on what I said, but what I can do is to be honest and sincere person, I believe services is most important that can give a client buy a thing with me when we pay off our hard work. As I'm study for Business Management at SEGi College, I'm able to learn a lot of communication skill and the skill had learned is benefiting me a lot in this field and I also wisely apply on my job too. Continuously presentation at the lecture from Diploma to Degree had build up my confident when I'm speaking to others although in front of a lot people.
            My long-term career goal is want to master on Real Estate line which had gain a lot of experience and knowledge so I can be a senior leader at the company.  As a senior leader, I also have the power who conducts the interview session with the newbie who interest to join for Real Estate. I wish I'm able to teach them with what I know and experience in this field and lead them to the success way. Other than this, I also wish I have stable income and stable saving on 27years old as this is the age which very near to married status, before married everyone also hope that they will have their own house and car as well. To me also the same status, I would want 5C when I'm reached 27. Cash, Credit Card, Car, Condo, Country Club. This is the thing which is for me to define success. When 5C is belong with me, it can give me, my partner and also my family keep away from worrying about the cash flow when facing emergency.
             On my 27 Years old, I will start to plan with my partner about the wedding. Before that I also need ask through the permission from my parents and also my partner's mother and father. Weeding is not only two person thing; it also needs all the family member respect and agrees with it. I would wish for 28 or 29year old I with my partner would have our first kid. If everything is on the plan, I will be going back to school for studying the part time course about Real Estate, it can help me to improving the knowledge I had. Learning is very useful for our life; we need to study once we have time. As the word said knowledge is one of the thing that can stay last longer with us no matter where we go and where we at.  Between I will have time to accompany my parents and also my new family when I'm not that busy. I and My family especially my parents they are very like to travelling. Every year they will travel to different country and enjoy with every trip. Most of time, my parents will going to Asia Country such as Taiwan or Hong Kong which is the place is only speak mandarin due to my parent's education level not that high, it is difficult for them to communicate using English language. They were also hope that one day they can going to western country. I will plan to have a vacation with them twice a year, one trip will be only visit to local place and the other trip will going to overseas more toward western country such as Paris, Australia and so on.
            Our parents taking care for us since born until now, we need to do whatever we can do for them to make sure they are stay happy and health so that as a son we can do our best for our parent and let them no any regret on their life, this is also a part of our responsibility. As a conclusion, what I see myself in 5 years time is to be a professional person and also a responsibility person.

(by Lee Chia Ching)

                After 5 years is 2021, and I also 28 years old. 5 year ago the time is the way to let me to start my business, that also is my promise to my father, my father is a business man and every parent also hope their goodness can pass to their children so my father also same, so my father wants me to carry on his business. 
                Now, I have learn about how to control the business, my father will teach me and train me step by step, sometimes that was very hard but that is my choice, I want to be a business man so I won’t give up. I not doing part time job because I will ignore my study, but the different ways I doing with the other people is I will go shopping mall or another place individual is to look at the market and what the people need today and what their like. Yes, sometimes I will feel lonely, but sometimes I can see some different happen in that times, it will make me motivate and happy also. 5 year ago I will try to start my own business, I look at the internet now a days have many different think has improve to become more safety and easier example like japan have a special plastic bag it can vacuum compression, so when we can’t not finish our snack or something need to vacuum that special plastic bag can help them to keep it. That product is not at Malaysia but Japan already have it, so my 5 years plan is to bring the special thing at foreign country into Malaysia, I using the advantage for Malaysia, that is we have many culture so that is a way I start my business.
                5 year ago, I will also change my car now, because is the time to change a new car for me, every car after 5 year they will become insecurity maybe something spoil. Now I will driving Ford Focus, but after 5 year I will try to drive Lexus car. Lexus car is a Japan brand of car, belong to my knowledge japan always put the safety in the first ways, so that is a point why I will choose Lexus car.
I am a people do not like to late, so watch also is my important things. Now I am wearing a Limited Edition Tissot Tom Luthi, it was my birthday present from my parent, but 5 year later I will buy Rolex with my own money, maybe some people will say that buy Rolex is a waste, but I not feel that, nowadays many people will look at your first image, nor matter you are a very top student or high education in the school, people will look at your first image, female they will look at the face, bag, shoes, shirt; but male they will look at the watch, car, belt, and shirt. Cannot blame the people reality but who don’t want to have advance from the rich person.
                I born in a business family, my father is a business man, so I also will be affect. My father teaching me how to allocate the container, how to control the usage, and how to face by the tax of government. Sometime my father also bring me to understand the people and the business. 5 year is a promise with me and my father, my father give me 5 year to face in the market whatever job I want to do also can, but 5 year his want me to help him carry on with their business. The reason why I will go back to carry my father’s business is my father always that he is old and he want to enjoy his life already, but he need some people to carry their business so he can relieve.
                5 year later I will also find my couple, wedding and have children also is a purpose for every people, because it can continuous the life. My parent also will ask me about the girlfriend but I know that these is not control by me, at the good period and the good person so that is the ways to marry with the right person. Although, sometime I will not like to be a single, it is lonely and can’t share with others, but single also have the advantage, because I am single, I can talk with a girl relieve, and I can focus to filial piety with my parents, if I have girlfriend, sometimes I need to accompany with her and sometime accompany with parents.
                5 year later I will travel to Japan again, I have went to Japan before with the travel, but these time I will go with my business partner. I will go they to comprehend the Japan style, how they can made a thing by the robot, what safety and special thing they have, after that I will try to bring it to Malaysia. Malaysian like the Japan culture example, snack of Japan, product of Japan, food of Japan also, so that is a benefit for the Malaysian, we can feel the different culture in our country. When to the Japan the main purpose is to do business and the second purpose is to enjoy their cherry blossoms, I went to japan is a winter season, next time I will go to spring season it have different look for the Japan.
                I will not give up my plan and what I want to do, even that is very hard and difficult but I also will face it, my business idol Robert Kuok Hock Nien say that if you scare for lose in business better u close up your business and start to send resume to find the job, I very agree the speech he say, every business also have their risk, face to the risk and find out the solution than you will success later.

(by Khor Yeow Ping)

“Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” is one of the most infamous questions people ask one another. It’s is difficult to answer without resorting to the typical answers such as “I just want to be doing something I enjoy and love”, or “I’m not really sure yet”. The question is why do people seem so keen on asking this question? Probably because it’s one of those questions that your answer can reveal much more than you might imagine. You might have a solid career plan and know exactly what you want to do over the next five years, or you could be one of those who just are “going with the flow”. That question has a tendency of throwing people in panic mode.When asked the question “Where do I see myself in five years’ time?” I mentally compare my life now to what I want my life to be like in five years. In life right now, I feel as if I am the typical Malaysia teenager. I am a freshmen student at SEGI College. I still live at home with my family. Everyday my day begins at 7:15am when I wake and shower. I head out for school usually around 8:00 am; mostly I will early going to school because that I staying in mainland and my school at Penang. Class begins at 9:00 am. I’m currently studying to become a business man. After finish my class sometimes I will hang out with my friend or going to my father company to learn how to be a successful business man.

After 5 years, I probably will graduate and I will learn how to do business with my father and force myself to be a successful business man because when I was a young kid my dream isI would want 5C. Cash, Credit Card, Car, Condo, Country Club. This is the thing which is for me to define success.  I also hope that my dream will come true. This dream can motivate me to make great a business. When I know how to control the business I will start my own business because different people might have different perspective looking on something with their own style and idea so that I did not interest with my father business. As I'm study for Business Management at SEGI College, I'm able to learn a lot of communication skill and the skill had learned is benefiting me a lot in this field and I also wisely apply on my job too. Continuously presentation at the lecture from Diploma to Degree had built up my confident when I'm speaking to others although in front of a lot people. But the wayI will go back to carry my father’s business when my father he is old and he want to enjoy his life already, but he need some people to carry their business so he can relieve.5 year later I maybe will plan with my couple wedding and have children, this is also a purpose for every people, because it can continuous the life and also I am the only son in my family. My parent always asks me about when with my girlfriend married but I know that these are not control by me, at the good period and the good person so that is the ways to marry with the right person, so I need to feel that this girl really is the right person then I will get married with her.

   When all thing is following my plan, I maybe will go back to school for studying the part time course about Business, it can help me to improving the knowledge now I had. Learning is very useful for our life; we need to study once we have time. As the word said knowledge is one of the thing that can stay last longer with us no matter where we go and where we at. My parents are very like to travelling and one of my dreams is travel around the world so that every year I will plan to have a vacation with them twice a year or more than twice travel with my parents to different country. I also will going advanced country to see about how they doing business and learn about more advanced technology to improve my knowledge because of some knowledge can’t learn at book. I also will find some special product in advanced country after that I will try to bring it to Malaysia so that is a benefit for the Malaysian; we can feel the different culture in our country.

          I will not give up my plan and what I want to do, even that is very hard and difficult. My business idol is Victor Li KaShing, he is the Chinese most rich person. He say that earn money is not an easy thing so that people work 8 hours, so that he work 16 hours like that we can always earn more money and we need to learn more technology and reading new knowledge book so that we can knew more information and different tide. Our parents taking care for us since born until now, we need to do whatever we can do for them to make sure they are stay happy and health so that as sons we can do our best for our parent and let them know any regret on their life; this is also a part of our responsibility. As a conclusion, what I see myself in 5 years’ time is to be a professional person and also a responsibility person.

 (by Lai Jordan)

Monday 21 March 2016

What is it to be truly Malaysian?

What is it to needed to be truly to be a Malaysian? Malaysia is a unique country where there are many different races and religions in the country. To be a Malaysian, we must know at least 2 languages which are the Mother Language and the Malaysia official language, the Malay. Besides knowing several different languages, to become a Malaysian, you must know how to sing the National Anthem of Malaysia, the “Negaraku” and Patriotic songs. Next, Malaysian must able to eat spicy foods as the Malaysian people love spice, where the spice been contributed into the foods such as Curry, Laksa, and many more. Malaysian also needs to know the Malaysia history and the name of our Former and Present Prime Ministers and the King’s name. Furthermore, Malaysian should visit the country’s tourism site and historical site rather than always goes to other country for vacation.

All About FOOD!!

Malaysia is a multicultural country which the Malaysian food is part of the culture that clearly shows truly Malaysian style. To be a truly Malaysian, one must eat the foods at least one time and that just can say he or she is one of us, Malaysian. Because of the multicultural society, the foods also have multicultural foods such as Laksa, Satay, Nasi Lemak, Curry Mee, Roti Canai, Nasi Kandar, Char Koay Tiao, and many more. The most important part being a Malaysian is not to be anti other culture foods. But of course the religion that did not allowed eating a certain kind of meat, then no choice.

As you walking down the streets in a Hawker stall or Nasi Kandar restaurant, you can see not just only 1 religion inside the place, but you can see Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other races inside the restaurants to enjoy the delicious foods offered there. Malaysian will sit inside the Nasi Kandar restaurant enjoying the cup of tea and have some Roti Canai. In football season, all the football fans will gather at the Nasi Kandar restaurant and cheer for their teams they support. This is a Malaysian way to cheer for their teams because they are unavailable to get to the football match.

Often we can see lots of people tend to go to the roadside food stalls to eat there, some even standing. Not that the Malaysian are poor or what-so-ever, but is the foods that bring all these people together and eat it in Malaysian way. Food always brings together all people in Malaysia. Laksa, Roti Canai, Nasi Lemak, Cendol and etc are some of the foods that all religious groups in Malaysia eat. Especially Cendol, Malaysia is a summer country and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, you can see in the afternoon where Malaysian will gather around a Cendol store, and eat together standing around the store and they will have some chit chat even they are strangers a minute ago.

The good thing in Malaysia is when you are feeling that you want to eat other food rather than your own culture food; there are varieties of good foods waiting for you to tryout. For example Rojak, well this is a truly Malaysian Style food. Mix all the fruits with the special rojak sauce with some peanut powder, now that is mouth watering.

To become a true Malaysian, food is one thing that you must tryout and must eat it according to the local culture or tradition. 

(Prepared by Foo Chi Hong)

All About ART!!

Traditional Malaysian art is for the most part fixated on the specialties of cutting, weaving, and silversmithing. Traditional art ranges from hand woven wicker container from provincial zones to the silverwork of the Malay courts. Basic works of art included decorative kris and scarab nut sets. Extravagant materials known as Songket are made, and additionally conventional designed batik fabrics. Indigenous East Malaysians are known for their wooden covers. Malaysian workmanship has extended just as of late, as before the 1950s Islamic taboos about drawing individuals and creatures were solid. Materials, for example, the batik, songket, puakumbu, and tekat are utilized for improvements, regularly weaved with a work of art or example. Conventional gems were produced using gold and silver embellished with diamonds, and, in East Malaysia, cowhide and dabs were utilized to the same impact.

Every ethnic group has unmistakable performing expressions, with little cover between them. Malay art demonstrates some North Indian influence. A type of art called makyong, joining move and show, stays strong in the Kelantan state. However, more established Malayan-Thai performing expressions, for example, makyong have declined in prominence all through the nation because of their Hindu-Buddhist root. Since the Islamisation period, expressions of the human experience and tourism service have concentrated on more up to date moves of Portuguese, Middle Eastern, or Mughal root. Malay customary moves incorporate jogetmelayu and zapin. Lately, dikirbarat has developed in ubiquity, and it is effectively advanced by state governments as a social symbol.The Chinese groups brought customary lion dance and dragon dance with them, while Indians brought works of art, for example, BharataNatyam and Bhangra. Imperialism likewise brought other works of art, for example, the Portuguese Farapeira and Branyo. There are assortments of customary moves, which frequently have extremely solid profound noteworthiness. Diverse tribes from west and east Malaysia have distinctive moves.

Most Malaysians dress as Westerners do but numerous Muslim ladies wear long skirts/jeans and head scarves. On uncommon events, individuals from every ethnic group wear their customary clothes. For Malay ladies, they wear the bajukurung; Malay men wear the bajumelayu with a songkok on the head. On the other hand, the men wear batik shirts with trousers. Indian ladies wear the sari. The salwarkameez or Punjabi suit is prevalent with northern Indian women. The kurta is the conventional clothing for men on formal occasions.The traditional cloth for Chinese ladies is the cheongsam (actually 'long dress') or qipao. Peranakan women otherwise called Baba Nyonya, they are Chinese foreigners who wedded Malay accomplices. They wear the elegant kebaya that can be depicted as customary high fashion.

(Prepared by Lai Jordan)


 Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and three federal territories. These are divided between two regions, with 11 states and two federal territories on Peninsular Malaysia and the other two states and one federal territory in East Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur is the main city in Malaysian and there of course have a lot of attraction place. In my opinion, a true Malaysian they should have a knowledge and understanding all the Malaysia famous attraction. As a true Malaysian they sure will visit to PETRONAS Twins Tower at Kuala Lumpur. The Tower's building is the landmark of Kuala Lumpur, main attraction and the reason also increase the volume of tourists visit to Malaysia because it has proved the record of the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 completion year until 2004. There have total of 88 storeys with 1483ft (452meters) and the towers are linked by a bridge at the 41st storey for the uses of viewing deck. A lot of Malaysian will take pictures with PETRONAS Twins Tower when they going to Kuala Lumpur.

KL Tower is another high building at Kuala Lumpur because they are visible from almost anywhere near to Kuala Lumpur. There have 421 meters building for uses of high telecommunications and broadcasting tower which appear taller than PETRONAS Twin Tower because KL Tower is build on a hill. Other than PETRONAS Twin Towers, Menara KL Tower is the most recognizable and popular landmark in Malaysia. When friend come from overseas to Malaysia, they will ask me bring them to both of this towers because it has most attractive sky Link Bridge on PETRONAS Twins Tower. Menara KL had a revolving restaurant which is tourists can enjoy the Malaysian food with the spectacular city view on Kuala Lumpur.

Other than Kuala Lumpur, Penang is the best place which major recognised by Malaysian as well. Penang is also get prove that on the top 10 best retirement place from BBC news. For example, Kek Lok Si Temple is the Buddhist temple which is one of the most well known temples located on the island. This is the largest temple in Malaysia and also Southeast Asia. This building is build on 1891, there fill up with the historical and heritage treasures in Penang. The interior is built up a Pagoda with ten thousand image of Buddha.

Penang Hill is also one of the famous attractions for Malaysian will visit. The actual place is nearby with Kek Lok Si temple and the distance is not more than one kilometre because both the attractions are state at Air Itam, Penang. You can escape for the hot weather at Georgetown if you come over to Penang hill because it is 830 meter high with 2750 foot from the sea level. There is only train services provided to reach the destination. At the top of the hill, there is a magnificent panoramic view of major place at Penang.

(Prepared by Lee Chia Ching)

All About LANGUAGE!!

Malaysia has many races people, Malay, Chinese, Indian and another. Different races people using different language to communicate, like Malay people they using Bahasa Melayu, Chinese people using Hok Kean, Cantonese, and so on, and Indian people using indian. In Malaysia also have a part of people using English to communicate.

Because of the different races of people, Malaysian has a own style witch is only Malaysian understand language, that is “Bahasa Rojak” . Bahasa Rojak is the language mix all different language, example like Tempatmakanni best sangatlah, that have mix by the Malay and English.

This is the Malaysian talking in the kopitiam, Malaysian always using lah, meh, and another pun inside their communicate, but actually lah and meh are not in the dictionary, that is a signal of Malaysian.

Maybe sometimes we are don’t understand what the people try to talk, but in Malaysia we have Bahasa Rojak, it can made Malaysian more understand the meaning. Even we are using a wrong word to communicate but that is a special of Malaysian.

So to be a true Malaysian, we got to speak the Bahasa Rojak as part of our daily life. Combining all the different languages together to form a sentence, that is how we communicate.

(Prepared by Khor Yeow Ping)


Well of course there are some others ways to be allowed an individual or Malaysian to be truly a Malaysian. These are just some of the examples that a true Malaysian do. So why not start to try some today? You will never regret!! 

ps: Weather in Malaysia now is getting hotter and hotter, remember to drink more water stay hydrated!!!


1. Mixed Languages in Malaysia by Chow, PS, Ganendra, V, Yap, HF, Wee, J, Vishal, R & Goh, E - read the free ebook now from ePub Bud!. 2016. Mixed Languages in Malaysia by Chow, PS, Ganendra, V, Yap, HF, Wee, J, Vishal, R & Goh, E - read the free ebook now from ePub Bud!. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

2. Funny Malaysian English Or Manglish, Why Cannot?. 2016. Funny Malaysian English Or Manglish, Why Cannot?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

3. Traditional Clothes of Malaysia. 2016. Traditional Clothes of Malaysia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

4. Art and Culture of Malaysia . 2016. Art and Culture of Malaysia . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

5. Menara KL Tower - Kuala Lumpur Attractions. 2016. Menara KL Tower - Kuala Lumpur Attractions. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

6. Penang Hill. 2016. Penang Hill. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

7. 25 Malaysian Dishes You Should Know | Serious Eats. 2016. 25 Malaysian Dishes You Should Know | Serious Eats. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].

8. Malaysian Food on 2016. Malaysian Food on [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2016].